Providing complimentary High Holy Day tickets to non-members policy
The purpose of the Providing complimentary High Holy Day Tickets to non-members Policy is to
affirm Etz Chayim Progressive Synagogue’s commitment to the inclusivity of Jewish and
non-Jewish family and friends in our community.
Any family or person who expresses a genuine interest in joining Etz Chayim as a member may
be issued a complimentary High Holy Day ticket(s) on a once off basis, based on the following
• Name and contact details of the person(s) who are being issued tickets are provided to
the office
• It is recognised that this is a once off opportunity with list from previous year/s checked,
and complimentary tickets refused if non-member has received complimentary tickets in
the past.
Complimentary tickets to members for close relatives
It is the policy of Etz Chayim to welcome non-Jewish partners and children of members at all
festivals, and to enable the families to celebrate the High Holy Days together by issuing
complimentary High Holy Days tickets to non-Jewish partners and children of members. Tickets
for non-Jewish partners should not look different compared to member tickets.
If members wish to have close family who are not PJV members join them for High Holy Days,
they may request complimentary tickets from the office in exchange for a donation. The
donation amount is to be left to the members’ discretion.
Records are to be kept for all non-member complimentary tickets issued and checked each year
for repeat requests.